With the addition of the custom package items, you can now use these items to control other areas of your system. Â For this example, we'll have these items control the content of a User httpd.conf file.
1)The first step is to add a custom package item. Â See this guide on how to do that. Â For this example, use a checkbox. Â Give the variable a name called myval
2)Next, we need to have this option do something. Â By default, the item is only stored in the user.conf file.. it won't do anything.
To have it do something, create the script /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/user_create_post.sh. Â Inside that file, add this code:
if [ "$myval" = "yes" ]; then
echo "CustomApache code" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$username/domains/$domain.cust_httpd
echo "action=rewrite&value=httpd&user=$username" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
exit 0;
Which will insert the "CustomApache code" into the |CUSTOM| token in the virtual_host2*.conf template files.
The templates offer even more degrees of flexibility with the use of if-then-else statements and variables. Â For example, if you edit the global templates to have some code.... but you only want the code available for some Users or domains, you can if-then-else along with variables. Â For this example, if the variable MYVAL=yes is set, then we'll insert code into the httpd.conf, eg, in the virtual_host2*.conf files, after the |CUSTOM| token :
|*if MYVAL="yes"|
CustomApache code
echo "CustomApache code" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$username/domains/$domain.cust_httpd
echo "|?MYVAL=yes|" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/$username/domains/$domain.cust_httpd
which get's inserted into the |CUSTOM| token, thus setting the variable.. so that once your if-then-else statement happens, the value=yes, and you're good to go.You can then turn domain on or off from:
Admin Level -> Custom httpd config -> domain
by adding or removing the |MYVAL=yes| code from the text area.
This can also still be managed via the packages, but you'd also need to create user_modify_post.sh, to add or remove the domain.com.cust_httpd file, based on what value is set.