Informations about TLD '.it'

IDN capable: No
Handle updates: Yes
Possible registration periods: 1y
Autorenew grace period: 14 days
Deletion timeframe: 14 days after expiration
Registration system: Realtime
WHOIS-update: 6 to 12 hours
Dispute policy:


Zone info

.IT is the official country code Top-Level-Domain of Italy.

Name restrictions

Minimal number of letters: 3
Maximum number of letters: 63
Allowed letters: a-z, 0-9, -

Zone use

Any companies or individuals who are interested in registering an .IT Domain, or people from the Information technology business sector.

Other restrictions

  1. Only individual and juridical persons residing in or belonging to a EU Member State can register domain names under the ccTLD "it". All others can use our trustee service to register a .it domain.

  2. Austria

  3. Belgium

  4. Cyprus

  5. Czech Republic

  6. Denmark

  7. Esthonia

  8. Finland

  9. France

  10. Germany

  11. United Kingdom

  12. Greece

  13. Hungary

  14. Ireland

  15. Italy

  16. Latvia

  17. Lithuania

  18. Luxembourg

  19. Malta

  20. Netherlands

  21. Poland

  22. Portugal

  23. Slovakia

  24. Slovenia

  25. Spain

  26. Sweden

  27. Nameservers for an .IT domain have to be correctly configured before the actual registration. The registry checks the Nameservers for a period of 30 days, else the registration will fail and the domain will be deleted. Please check that the following requirements are met:

  28. The master server stated in the SOA of the zone must be one of the nameservers given with the domain application.

  29. Each nameserver stated in the application must have a valid NS entry.


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