IDN capable: | No |
Handle updates: | No |
Possible registration periods: | 1-5y |
Autorenew grace period: | - |
Deletion timeframe: | 44 days after expiration |
Registration system: | Realtime |
WHOIS-server: | |
WHOIS-update: | 2 hours |
Registry: | |
Dispute policy: | |
Zone info
.MX is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Mexico.
Name restrictions
Minimal number of letters: | 3 |
Maximum number of letters: | 63 |
Allowed letters: | a-z, 0-9, - |
Zone use
A .MX domain is normally used by companies which are located in or have business relationships with Mexico.
Other restrictions
NIC.MX performs name server checks. When updating name servers, please make sure that they are correctly configured to serve the corresponding zone. If they are not an update will be denied by NIC.MX and you will be informed by our system via event.
If the domain holder is citizen of Mexico or USA the field state in the owner contact is mandatory and has to be filled out.