Informations about TLD ''

IDN capable: No
Handle updates: Yes
Possible registration periods: 1-10y
Autorenew grace period: 44 days
Deletion timeframe: 44 days after expiration
Registration system: Realtime
WHOIS-update: 2-3 hours
Dispute policy:


Zone info

.SO is the official country code Toplevel Domain (ccTLD) of Somalia.

Name restrictions

Minimal number of letters: 3
Maximum number of letters: 63
Allowed letters: a-z, 0-9, -

Zone use

Any companies or individuals who are interested in registering an .SO Domain.

Other restrictions

  1. Each domain may have up to 13 nameservers at any point during its lifetime. Domains with no nameserver will have an "inactive" standard EPP status, which means that it will not be published in the DNS zone file. This will not however affect its appearance in the WHOIS database.

  2. Restricted domain names can be found herehref="" >]


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