Informations about TLD '.travel'

IDN capable: No
Handle updates: No
Possible registration periods: 1 - 10 years
Autorenew grace period: 44 days
Deletion timeframe: 44 days after expiration
Registration system: Realtime
WHOIS-update: 15 min.
Registry: >
Dispute policy:


Zone info

.TRAVEL and is a so-called generic Top-Level-Domain (gTLD) for operators of the travel and tourism industry.

Name restrictions

Minimal number of letters: 3
Maximum number of letters: 63
Allowed letters: a-z, 0-9, -

Zone use

The .TRAVEL TLD will be the online community for operators of the travel and tourism industry.

Other restrictions

  1. Name registration is limited to names to which the travel organisation holds rights to, or uses in their business. In the following some examples:

  2. Incorporation (legal) Name/Partnership Name/Individual Name

  3. Doing Business As; Trade Name; or Business Name

  4. Domain Name as used in a URL

  5. Trade Mark

  6. Service Mark

  7. Product Name

  8. Club or Association Name

  9. Transport Vessel Name

  10. Competition/Event Name

  11. Division Name

  12. Subsidiary Name

  13. Acronyms (must be only the first letter of the primary words of the name) Eligibility is verified by the .travel Registry reviewing information provided by the applicant to determine that the applicant is primarily carrying on business or operations in the travel industry. .TRAVEL can be registered if your entitiy belongs to one fo the following Travel Sectors:

  14. Airlines

  15. Attractions/Theme Parks

  16. Bed & Breakfast Houses

  17. Bus/Taxi/Limousine Operators

  18. Camp Facility Operators

  19. Vehicle Rental Companies/Airport Specialty Car Park Companies Computer Reservation/Travel Technology Provider

  20. Convention & Visitor's Bureaus

  21. Cruise Lines

  22. Ferries

  23. Hotels/Resorts/Casinos

  24. National Tourism Offices

  25. Passenger Rail Lines

  26. Restaurants

  27. Tour Operators

  28. Travel Agents

  29. Travel Media

  30. Travel-Consumer and Market Research Organizations


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