Informations about TLD '.asia'
IDN capable: | No |
Handle updates: | No |
Possible registration periods: | 1-10y |
Autorenew grace period: | 43 days |
Deletion timeframe: | 43 days after expiration |
Registration system: | Realtime |
WHOIS-server: | whois.nic.asia |
WHOIS-update: | Realtime |
Registry: | >http://www.registry.asia |
Dispute policy: | http://www.registry.asia/policies.html |
Zone info
. Asia is the official domain extension (gTLD) for the ICANN Asia / Australia
Name restrictions
Minimal number of letters: | 3 |
Maximum number of letters: | 63 |
Allowed letters: | a-z, 0-9, - |
Zone use
Any resident, company or organisation of the ASIA region can register such a domain. It is specifically interesting for companies who have different office locations within the ASIA area.
Other restrictions
According to registry policy at least one contact located in the .ASIA region has to be provided. If you do not have a local contact you may register .ASIA domains using our trustee service.
Nameservers can only be given in the following combinations:
No name servers at all
2 - 13 name servers