How to install CSF Firewall

This is an webinterface firewall for like DirectAdmin

For Debian:

apt-get install libwww-perl -y

tar -xzf csf.tgz
cd csf

Then log into DirectAdmin (admin level) 
Extra Features > ConfigServer Firewall&Security
Hit button Firewall Configuration and set Testing collum from 1 to 0 > scoll down to below page and hit button change > then hit button Restart csf+lfd

That`s all!


For CentOS:

Yum install install libwww-perl -y
yum -y install perl-LWP-Protocol-https

tar -xzf csf.tgz
cd csf
csf -u

Then log into DirectAdmin (admin level) 
Extra Features > ConfigServer Firewall&Security
Hit button Firewall Configuration and set Testing collum from 1 to 0 > scoll down to below page and hit button change > then hit button Restart csf+lfd

That`s all!

How to disable Lfd excessive resource usage alert?


Example email alert from LFD.

Time: Tue Nov 25 09:15:10 2012 +0520
Account: crybit
Resource: Virtual Memory Size
Exceeded: 205 > 200 (MB)
Executable: /usr/bin/php
Command Line: /usr/bin/php /home/crybit/public_html/index.php
PID: 11254 (Parent PID:11254)
Killed: No

From the above email example you can see that, here the alert is for excessive memory usage from the server for a particular user. You can avoid this email alert by different ways.

Method I
You can disable this particular feature from CSF configuration. That’s not a good method to solve this issue. This email alert is actually much useful for monitoring user’s resource usage under your server.
How to disable it?
Step 1: Login to your server via SSH as root user.
Step 2: Open the CSF configuration file (/etc/csf/csf.conf) with your favorite editor and search the directive ‘PT_USERMEM’. By considering the above example, the PT_USERMEM is 200. You can set the value of PT_USERMEM to ‘0’ to disable this feature from CSF.

[root@server #] vim /etc/csf/csf.conf
# This User Process Tracking option sends an alert if any linux user process
# exceeds the memory usage set (MB). To ignore specific processes or users use
# csf.pignore
# Set to 0 to disable this feature
PT_USERMEM = "200"

Method II
You can increase the PT_USERMEM limit. By setting the value of PT_USERMEM to a higher value than 200 may help you.

Method III
This is the simplest and standard way to stop such alerts from CSF and LFD. There is a file in csf directory ‘csf.pignore’. You can add the process or the user which you want to ignore this type of alert in to this file.
File location:

[root@server #] vim /etc/csf/csf.pignore


This type of alerts are useful for monitoring your server. 

Restart the services CSF and LFD

csf -r

That’s it.

How to remove csf:

cd /etc/csf

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