Business Listing

What is Business Listing?

Think of Business Listing as an advertising supplement to your search engine listing, and to your Whois.

When you purchase Business Listing, you can enter information about your business, merchandise, location, and hours. This information appears in the Business Listing online directory at When internet users use the search engines to look up information related to your business, the search results will include your Business Listing.

Your Business Listing includes a link to your web site, and the content of your listing is optimized for search engines. Both improve your Web site’s search engine ranking.

In addition, for most domain names, we deliver your Business Listing content in your Whois results, giving customers another way to find you.

What does Business Listing show that is different from regular Whois?

Business Listing allows you to supply specific information about your business, domain name, website, or blog that visitors don’t find in the Whois. For example, you can post business hours, list brands you sell, or let people know that a domain is for sale. In contrast, most other registrars’ Whois shows only the contact information for the domain.

What is Whois?

Whois is the contact information that international rules require for every domain name registered worldwide. Normally, Whois includes only the registrant’s name, street address, and email address. With Business Listing, your Whois information can also display business hours, a phone number, and information about your business such as the services or brands you offer.

How does Business Listing help my web site Whois?

When we deliver your Business Listing information in addition to the basic Whois contact information, that gives you a competitive advantage compared to competitors who don’t provide business information. We deliver Business Listing content in three tiers:

  • For .com, .net, and .tv, we feed your Business Listing content to all Whois providers worldwide, in addition to being displayed in our Whois and on
  • For .uk and .eu domains, your Business Listing content appears on
  • For most other TLDs, the Business Listing content displays on our own Whois and on

  • Do search engines access the Business Listing information in your Whois?

    Yes, search engines crawl our Whois, and when they do so, they crawl your Business Listing information

    How does Business Listing help my search engine rankings?

    Business Listing links to your web site and is optimized for search engines, so both help to improve the search engine ranking of your web site.

    What is the difference between ID Protect and Business Listing?

    ID Protect keeps your identity and contact information private. Business Listing lets you supply basic information about your business to the public.

    Can I have ID Protect and Business Listing at the same time?

    Yes. Business Listing allows you to display the information you choose about your business, domain, or website. ID Protect ensures the domain contact information is cloaked.

    What should I do if I need to hide the information in my Business Listing?

    You can hide your Business Listing information by disabling Business Listing. Log on and click "My Account". In the "Manage Services" section click "Business Listing". Click the domain name that has the Business Listing you want to manage. In the "Visibility" line, select "Off", and then click "Submit".


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