
What is RichContent?

RichContent uses widgets to add high quality, relevant content to your web site. The widgets read the content already in your web site to select links to relevant content from a library of over 4 million premium, rights-cleared articles and videos.

How does RichContent benefit my web site?

RichContent adds high-quality, relevant content to your web site so visitors stay longer and return more often.

I don’t have a web site. Can I still buy RichContent?

RichContent chooses additional content based on content already on your site, so you need to build at least a minimal site to add the RichContent widget to. However, you can purchase all the components at once: a domain name, Web Hosting, and RichContent.

Is RichContent SEO-friendly?

RichContent is a JavaScript widget that is ignored by search engines; it will neither help nor harm your search engine rankings.

I’m not a programmer. Can I add RichContent myself?

To use RichContent, you must have access to your Web site’s source code and you must be able to edit it, but it doesn’t require sophisticated coding skills. Getting RichContent running is simply a matter of copying the text block for a widget and pasting it into your web site source code.

What is a RichContent widget?

A RichContent widget is a portable piece of code that can be placed on your website to display RichContent related articles and videos. Widgets can be used for displaying related links, full articles and videos. You will be able to access the code to apply to your site through the RichContent Control Panel.

Related Content widget
The Related Content Widget reads the existing content on your page and shows visitors links to similar or related articles, videos, and topics. Visitors click on a related article or video headline to view a full article about that topic in an overlay window.

Landing Page widget
Our Landing Page Widget is an optional step in the set-up for users who want more control over the full article page look and feel. When one of your site visitors clicks on any related article or video title, or clicks on a "related tag" link, the Landing Page Widget displays the full content, whether that's an article, a video, or a topic page.

Who is allowed to use RichContent?


Please visit our Publisher Terms of Use page for the details about who may use the service. Some stipulations are that sites must not contain spam, adult content, or hate speech.

Why should I sell RichContent?

RichContent is a unique web service that will help to differentiate your offering from your competitors while influencing your domain registrations and renewals. Your customers will find it gives them increased site stickiness, keeping web visitors longer while also viewing more pages.

Can you summarize the RichContent service?

RichContent widgets read your customer’s site and offer contextually relevant results. There is no programming required and your customer can get up and running in 10 minutes. Our content library consists of millions of articles and videos from high quality websites and blogs.

What kind of site is best suited for RichContent?

Any website that wants to expand their website with relevant content is a great fit for this product. From a website just getting started to a mature site, RichContent can help enrich and expand a user’s website.

What are the key RichContent selling points?

  • Access to a content library of more than 4MM premium, rights-cleared articles and videos, and we are adding more major partners regularly.
  • One-month free trial period available
    - Monthly, three month, six month and annual subscriptions available to match common hosting packages
  • Easy for customers to install, with a simple copy-and-paste widget
  • Minimal support and maintenance is required
  • Appeals to a broad audience – from individuals to small-to-medium sized business who are just creating a website or have a site that’s been around awhile

How do I add the RichContent widget to my site?

It’s so easy that your site will be up and running in minutes. You merely click on the ‘Set up’ tab to start the wizard. In one easy step you’ll be showing RichContent on your site.

Where on my site should I place the RichContent widgets?

The Related Content widget is the 'front door' widget to RichContent and works best in a sidebar that appears across your entire site or located beneath all of your own articles.

Full articles and videos then will appear in an overlay box. As an advanced feature, the Related Content widget can link to a Landing Page Widget to display related full articles and videos if greater control over the look and feel of the page is desired.

With what blogging or publishing systems will RichContent work?

RichContent widgets are enabled using JavaScript and work on any publishing system that supports JavaScript code in the rendered HTML. This includes WordPress, Blogger, Drupal, Joomla, Ning and many others.

How do I customize a widget?

Each widget has options you can set for things like the number of headlines to display or which widget functions to turn on. These are easily set when you retrieve your widget code. Please see the FAQs within the RichContent Control panel for more information.

Can I tweak the layout and CSS of my widgets?

Our widgets are designed to inherit the look of your own pages; however, as every site uses different CSS conventions, results may vary. Please see the FAQs within the RichContent Control panel for more information. The full article display page will appear in a generic ‘overlay box’ unless you create a new page on your site for the Landing page widget code.

Where does the content (articles, blog posts, and videos) come from?

RichContent displays articles, blogs, and videos from a selection of an extensive and growing library of professional sources. Sources include Demand Studios, leading websites such as eHow, Blogburst and their millions of top blogs, and premium brands such as the Encyclopedia Britannica and IAC. Over 3,000 of new pieces of content are added to the library every day, covering more than 300 categories including autos, business, entertainment, finance, food, health, sports, and travel.

Where should I put widgets for the best related matches?

The RichContent widget works best with larger bodies of content from which to draw related results. Try to make sure that the related content widget is placed on a page that has a substantial amount of content to crawl.

You can use RichContent on a page with less content by pointing the widget at keywords or other pages for contextualization. You can also place the widget on multiple pages, wherever you want the Related Content article links.

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