TLD Overview

TLD Overview

Your domain name is the first thing people see when they find your website. Your web address is the first impression about you or your organization. Having the right domain name is critical to giving a positive first impression, no matter what your website does.

Generic TLDs

Generic TLDs (gTLDs) are global extensions. These extensions are recognized all over the world. Choosing one of these extensions will appeal to the widest range of people. Examples include .COM, .NET, and .ORG.

TLDTransfer InsID ProtectRegistrationPreconfigure
Dedicated exclusively to the business community. The .BIZ domain can only be used for a "bona fide business or commercial use"
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Short for .commercial. Domain names with the .com extension are by far the most popular, and can be purchased by any individual or business.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
The first unrestricted top-level domain since .com, .info domains are available to the general public.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Available to the general public, .name email addresses are listed as or, while Web sites are listed as
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Short for .network, this domain extension was originally designed to be used by technical Web sites. However, domains using this extension can be registered by anyone.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
When you buy a .ORG, your organization is linked to a well-established brand of trust and integrity. One of the original top-level domains (TLDs), .ORG became the registry of choice for organizations dedicated to serving the public interest, and today .ORG is considered one of the most trusted domains on the internet.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Designed specifically for the global adult entertainment industry as a trusted brand, globally recognized and extolling responsible and safe behavior.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs Yes

Specialty TLDs

Hybrid TLDs tell people what your website is all about. Because they are new, they also let people know you are on the cutting edge. Examples are .CO, .PRO and .ME.

TLDTransfer InsID ProtectRegistrationPreconfigure
Admin Contact must be located in .ASIA approved region or meet registrant contact requirements for Charter Eligibility Declaration (CED).
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
No residency requirements for this ccTLD.
No Yes 1-5 yrs No
No residency requirements for .CO. Ideal for companies. Anyone can register a .CO, .COM.CO, .NET.CO or .NOM.CO domain name.
Yes Yes 1-5 yrs No
One of the fastest growing ccTLDs of 2008 is the new .ME domain. .ME is used to personalize your web presence and make a statement by a name. Plus it is a great tool for both individuals and businesses to help people remember where to find them online.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
.Mobi is the only TLD dedicated to the unique needs of mobile web users. Visitors can trust that a website is compatible with their mobile device if it ends in .mobi.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
For those who provide professional services and are licensed by a government certification body.
Yes No 1-10 yrs No
.PW is the namespace for individuals and businesses who want a professional presence on the web.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
The .TEL is a service that allows individuals and businesses alike to store and manage all their contact information and keywords directly in the DNS without the need to build, host or manage a website.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
.TV is the address for rich and dynamic media on the web.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No

Country Code TLDs

Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs) are country specific extensions. Choose a Country Code TLD if you want to get customers from a specific country or just want to show everyone where you're from. Some examples are Germany (.DE), India (.IN), and Canada (.CA).

TLDTransfer InsID ProtectRegistrationPreconfigure
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
The country-coded Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for the country of Belize. Anyone in the world can register a .bz name.
No No 1-10 yrs No
Canada's ccTLD. There are additional contact attributes required for the Canadian ccTLD.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
Top level domain for the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Anyone in the world can register a .cc domain for any purpose.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Top level domain for Switzerland. Anyone in the world can register a .ch domain.
Yes No 1 yr No
One of the hottest and fastest growing ccTLDs in the world is the .CN domain. As of January 2008, .CN has over 9 million registrations and ranks as the 4th largest TLD. According to figures reported by CNNIC in June, 2007, China now has 162 million Internet users or 12.3% of the country's total population, up from 137 million users in 2006.
No No 1-10 yrs No
Germany's ccTLD The administrative contact must have a street address or P.O. box within Germany. .DE names require a minimum of 2 name servers. Please review our for .DE specific legal information.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
The .es country code top-level domain name (ccTLD) is an extension representing Spain and español. Domain names with the .es extension are useful for companies or individuals who want to reach the growing number of Internet users in Spain and the global Spanish-speaking community. Registering a .es domain name gives you regional recognition and an easy-to-manage Web presence.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
To register a .EU domain name, you must meet one of the following requirements: i) Undertakings having their registered office, central administration or principal place of business within the European community; ii) Organizations established within the European Community without prejudice to the application of national law; iii) Natural persons resident within the European Community.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1-10 yrs Yes
Top level domain for French. Residency or E-ZONE SAS contact is required.
Yes No 1 yr Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
Top level domain for India. Anyone in the world can register a .in name.
Yes No 1-5 yrs No
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process. Individual registrants may only register one .IT domain. Companies may register more, but must provide a tax ID number. Registrants must reside in the European Union.
No No 1 yr Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
Open TLD, great for Los Angeles residents and businesses. Totally open TLD.
No No 1 yr No
Top level domain for Liechtenstein. Anyone in the world can register an .li domain.
Yes No 1 yr No
WHOIS changes must be made at the Registry.
No No 1 yr No
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. You must fax in info after purchase to complete registration. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
"NU" means "NOW" in some European countries and is a very popular TLD. No restrictions and can be registered by anyone.
No No 1-10 yrs Yes
The ccTLD for the country of New Zealand. There are no residency restrictions, these domains can be registered by anyone. These domains have special renewal restrictions.Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
.PE is the so-called country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Peru. The following TLDs exist: .PE, .com.PE, .net.PE, .org.PE, & .nom.PE
Yes Yes 1-5 yrs No
The ccTLD for the country of Singapore. Second-level domain ( is also available.
No No 1-2 yrs Yes
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 1 yr Yes
WHOIS changes must be made at the Registry.
No No 1 yr No
Turkmenistan's ccTLD
No No 10 yrs Yes
Taiwan's ccTLD
Yes No 1-10 yrs No
You must meet all the .US Nexus registration requirements to register a name in the .US TLD.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
Currently, contact information modifications are not immediate. .UK names require a minimum of 2 name servers. Name servers changes/updates may take up to half an hour. Please review our registration agreement for .UK specific legal information.
Yes No 1 yr Yes
WHOIS changes must be made at the Registry.
No No 1 yr No
The country-coded Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for the country of Western Samoa but branded as WebSite. Anyone in the world can register a .WS name.
No Yes 1-10 yrs No

Second-Level TLDs

Second-Level Domains (ccSLDs) are the combination of a global extension and the country you're from. Choose one of these extensions to signify your country while promoting your global presence. Good examples are China (.CN.COM) and Germany (.DE.COM).

TLDTransfer InsID ProtectRegistrationPreconfigure
2nd Level Domain for Brazil.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for China.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
For Australian registered companies or a trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory or an Australian partnership or sole trader or a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia or owners of an Australian Registered Trade Mark or an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark or associations incorporated in any Australian State or Territory or Australian commercial statutory bodies.
No No 2 yrs Yes
Germany's newest domain extension.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Spains's domain extension intended for commercial entities.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
Peru's domain extension
Yes Yes 1-5 yrs No
The ccTLD for the country of Singapore intended for companies. Top-level domain (.sg) is also available.
No No 1-2 yrs Yes
2nd Level Domain for Germany.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Europe.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Greece.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Hungary.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
For Australian registered companies or a trading under a registered business name in any Australian State or Territory or an Australian partnership or sole trader or a foreign company licensed to trade in Australia or owners of an Australian Registered Trade Mark or an applicant for an Australian Registered Trade Mark or associations incorporated in any Australian State or Territory or Australian commercial statutory bodies.
No No 2 yrs Yes
Peru's domain extension.
Yes Yes 1-5 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Norway.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Spains's domain extension intended for personal names.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
Peru's domain extension.
Yes Yes 1-5 yrs No
For a charity operating in Australia or a non-profit organisation operating in Australia.
No No 2 yrs Yes
Spains's domain extension intended for noncommercial entities.
Yes No 1-10 yrs Yes
Peru's domain extension.
Yes Yes 1-5 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Quebec.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for the Russian Federation.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Saudi Arabia.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Sweden.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for the United Kingdom.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for the United States.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain alternative for the United States.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Uruguay.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for South Africa.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
Special renewal terms exist for this TLD. Please see terms and conditions during the registration process.
No No 2 yrs Yes
2nd Level Domain for the United Kingdom.
Yes Yes 1-10 yrs No
2nd Level Domain for Sweden.

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