API Introduction

API Introduction
The Domains Reseller API allows you to interact with our system programmatically from your own WHMCS.
Using the API you are able to perform actions such as:
• Register Domain
• Transfer Domain
• Renew Domain
• Release Domain
• Delete Domain
• Modify Contact Details
• Get EPP Code
• Get/Save DNS Records
• Get/Modify Nameservers
• Register Nameserver
• Modify Nameserver
• Delete Nameserver
• Registrar Lock
• Get/Save Email Forwarding
• ID Protection
• Domain Cron Synchronization
Domains Reseller Request/Response Data Format:
In requests, Domains Reseller accepts query parameters.
API response is sent in JSON data format.

API key and email address is required for authentication.
These details are given by provider.


The following examples use the cURL command-line tool to exectute API requests.

Exemplary API Request:

curl 'https://vservs.com/clients/domainsResellerAPI/api.php'  --data 'token=AaLc8eNZWsZtWlT9LtT7NUha&authemail=exampledomain@domain.com&action=RegisterDomain&sld=exampledomain&tld=com&regperiod=1&nameserver1=ns1.yourdomain.com&nameserver2=ns2.yourdomain.com&adminfirstname=test&adminlastname=test&admincompanyname=company&adminaddress1=addresss&admincity=city&adminstate=region&admincountry=US&adminpostcode=12345&adminphonenumber=1234567890&adminemail=admin@domain.com' --compressed
Exemplary API Response:
{"result":"success","msg":"Domain has been registered"}

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