IDN capable: | Yes |
Handle updates: | No |
Possible registration periods: | 1-10y |
Autorenew grace period: | - |
Deletion timeframe: | 2 days prior to expiration |
Registration system: | Realtime |
WHOIS-server: | - |
WHOIS-update: | - |
Registry: | |
Dispute policy: | |
Zone info
.COM.BR is the official third-level domains of Brazil.
Name restrictions
Minimal number of letters: | 3 |
Maximum number of letters: | 26 |
Allowed letters: | a-z, 0-9, - |
Zone use
Any companies or individuals from Brazil who are interested in registering an .COM.BR Domain.
Other restrictions
Configured name servers are required.
The Billing-Contact as well as the Owner-Contact need a local presence in Brazil. Therefore you can use our trustee service or provide us with your Brazilian register number (for the owner contact) and a Brazilian contact handle (for the billing contact).
In order for an organization to be eligible for ORG.BR names registration it must prove it is a non-governamental and not-for-profit organization. Therefore our trustee service can not be used.