IDN capable: | No |
Handle updates: | Yes |
Possible registration periods: | 1-10y |
Autorenew grace period: | 44 days |
Deletion timeframe: | 44 days after expiration |
Registration system: | Realtime |
WHOIS-server: | Web-WHOIS |
WHOIS-update: | 24 hours |
Registry: | |
Dispute policy: | |
Zone info
Name restrictions
Minimal number of letters: | 3 |
Maximum number of letters: | 63 |
Allowed letters: | a-z, 0-9, - |
Zone use
Other restrictions
The registry Max.MD has exclusivity within approx. 92 different countries meaning that .MD domains can only be registered for registrants from these countries. In the event, that the owner changes from e.g. .US to an Austrian entity, then you are no longer able to renew this domain through us. The registrant will receive a renewal notice from Register.MD and the customer can only renew his domain through them. The countires, where Max.MD has exclusivity are:
Anguilla (AI)
Antigua and Barbuda (AG)
Argentina (AR)
Australia (AU)
Bahamas (BS)
Barbados (BB)
Belize (BZ)
Bermuda (BM)
Bolivia (BO)
Botswana (BW)
Brazil (BR)
British Virgin Islands (VG)
Cameroon (CM)
Canada (CA)
Cayman Islands (KY)
Chile (CL)
Colombia (CO)
Cuba (CU)
Dominica (DM)
Dominican Republic (DO)
Ecuador (EC)
El Salvador (SV)
Equatorial Guinea (GQ)
Fiji Islands (FJ)
France (FR)
Germany (DE)
Ghana (GH)
Gibraltar (GI)
Great Britain (United Kingdom) (GB)
Grenada (GD)
Guam (GU)
Guatemala (GT)
Guyana (GY)
Honduras (HN)
India (IN)
Indonesia (ID)
Ireland (IE)
Jamaica (JM)
Japan (JP)
Johnston Atoll (JI)
Kenya (KE)
Kiribati (KI)
Korea, Republic of (KR)
Lesotho (LS)
Liberia (LR)
Malawi (MW)
Malta (MT)
Marshall Islands (MH)
Mauritius (MU)
Mexico (MX)
Micronesia (FM)
Namibia (NA)
Nauru (NR)
New Zealand (NZ)
Nicaragua (NI)
Nigeria (NG)
Northern Mariana Islands (MP)
Palau (PW)
Panama (PA)
Papua New Guinea (PG)
Paraguay (PY)
Peru (PE)
Philippines (PH)
Puerto Rico (PR)
Samoa (WS)
Sierra Leone (SL)
Singapore (SG)
Solomon Islands (SB)
South Africa (ZA)
Spain (ES)
St. Kitts and Nevis (KN)
Swaziland (SZ)
Switzerland (CH)
Tonga (TO)
Trinidad and Tobago (TT)
Tuvalu (TV)
Uganda (UG)
United Kingdom (UK)
United States (US)
Uruguay (UY)
US Virgin Islands (VI)
Vanuatu (VU)
Venezuela (VE)
Wake Island (WK)
Zambia (ZM)
Zimbabwe (ZW)