Informations about TLD '.pm'

IDN capable: No
Handle updates: Yes
Possible registration periods: 1y
Autorenew grace period: -
Deletion timeframe: 2 days prior to expiration
Registration system: 30 min. to 48 hours
WHOIS-update: Realtime
Dispute policy: http:///


Zone info

.PM is the official country code Top-Level-Domain (ccTLD) of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Name restrictions

Minimal number of letters: 3
Maximum number of letters: 63
Allowed letters: a-z, 0-9, -

Zone use

.PM name space will be open to all individuals and entities domiciled in the European Union (please see chapter Restrictions) on December 6, 2011. Furthermore, the registration of .WF, .TF, .RE, .PM and .YT domains will be made available for all businesses / organizations in the European Union. Exception:

Other restrictions

  1. Both owner and admin contact require a local address within the European Union (please see below list). If one of the contacts has no local address in European Union, you may use our trustee service for both contacts; the trustee service cannot be used only for one of the two contacts. Registrants from the following European countries are allowed to register domain names under .RE and the other AFNIC TLDs mentioned above:

  2. AT - Austria

  3. BE - Belgium

  4. BG - Bulgaria

  5. CY - Cypress

  6. CZ - Czech Republic

  7. DE - Germany

  8. DK - Denmark

  9. EE - Estonia

  10. ES - Spain

  11. FI - Finland

  12. AX - Aland Islands

  13. FR - France

  14. GP - Guadeloupe

  15. GF - French Guiana

  16. MQ - Martinique

  17. RE - Reunion

  18. TF - French Southern Territories

  19. YT - Mayotte

  20. PF - French Polynesia

  21. NC - New Caledonia

  22. PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon

  23. WF - Wallis and Futuna

  24. GB - United Kingdom

  25. GI - Gibraltar

  26. GR - Greece

  27. HU - Hungary

  28. IS - Iceland

  29. IE - Ireland

  30. IT - Italy

  31. LI - Liechtenstein

  32. LT - Lithuania

  33. LU - Luxembourg

  34. LV - Latvia

  35. MT - Malta

  36. NL - Netherlands

  37. NO - Norway

  38. PL - Poland

  39. PT - Portugal

  40. RO - Romania

  41. SE - Sweden

  42. SI - Slovenia

  43. SK - Slovakia

  44. CH - Switzerland Please note:


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