Informations about TLD '.ru'

IDN capable: No
Handle updates: Yes
Possible registration periods: 1y
Autorenew grace period: -
Deletion timeframe: 3 days prior to expiration
Registration system: Realtime
WHOIS-update: unknown
Dispute policy:


Zone info

.RU is the official ccTLD of the Federation of Russia.

Name restrictions

Minimal number of letters: 3
Maximum number of letters: 63
Allowed letters: a-z, 0-9, -

Zone use

A .RU can be used and registered by anyone or any corporation with special extensions.

Other restrictions

  1. The contact organization must contain a legal entity.

  2. Abreviations of names are not allowed. Full first name and last name is required.

  3. RU-Center does not allow to change an existing handle. Please always create a new handle if you want to change contact data.

  4. The nameserver list must contain at least two nameservers in different Class C networks.

  5. Please make sure that a valid and working email address is given in the contact handles used for registrations or modifications, as this is checked for by the registry. If the email address is not working you will receive an error 402.


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