Informations about TLD '.tel'

IDN capable: No
Handle updates: No
Possible registration periods: 1-10y
Autorenew grace period: 45 days
Deletion timeframe: 45 days after expiration
Registration system: Realtime
WHOIS-server: >
WHOIS-update: Realtime
Dispute policy:


Zone info

The .TEL is a service that allows individuals and businesses alike to store and manage all their contact information and keywords directly in the DNS without the need to build, host or manage a website.

Name restrictions

Minimal number of letters: 3
Maximum number of letters: 63
Allowed letters:

Zone use

A .TEL domain can be used by anyone.

Other restrictions

  1. Nameserver changes are not possible.

  2. Due to the standardized interface under it's not possible to change the design of the page.


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